Many fancy words, Open Headtracking Initiative OSC to websocket gateway. In other words a simple headtracker IOT gateway/bridge, written in .NET Core. It receives quaternion data from a headtracker device with OSC (Open Sound Control). Messages are then relayed over a websocket connection.
The default setting is to listen to the broadcast address on port 9000. Make the necessary adjustments in appsettings.json. OSC data is received on this format:
string address              float w     float x     float y     float z
SceneRotator/quaternions    0.02314     0.45332     0.03412     0.42351
It's a console application that exposes a simple webpage and websocket with OSC data on localhost:5001 (that is also configurable). Websockets is using SignalR and MessagePack as a functional layer on top. The MessagePack addition is to optimize the transmission of data sent over the websocket.
It is working with some of the examples and implementations at OHTI.xyz, where you can read more about ambisonics and quaternions.
Now that you have all the details, feel free to report issues or make pull requests to the GitHub repository. The application is also available pre-compiled under releases, so it's alright to just grab a version from there.


Copyright (c) 2021 Bo-Erik Sandholm & Roger Sandholm, Stockholm, Sweden.
The software is free :)

The OscCore is used to parse OSC messages and is provided by tilde-love/osc-core under the MIT License, LICENSE.
SignalR Protocol MessagePack is licensed under Apache-2.0, LICENSE.